Best practices for maintaining your car tint

So now you have your windows tinted and wow, they look great!

How do we go about keeping your tint looking fresh and lasting the life of your vehicle?

Its important to understand that the tint on your vehicle is installed on the inside, meaning that it can be damaged by passengers, pets, or kids!

The one of the best ways to protect your tint is to be mindful when taking your seatbelt off as to not let the buckle hit the window (which could cause a chip in the tint).

Aside from that, keeping your pets from clawing at the windows will prevent the windows from being scratched and being an eyesore.

This next tip doesn’t apply to everyone, but for you smokers out there that love their tint - be sure you roll the windows fully down when you’re smoking in your car. Ashes from your cigarette can burn the film and create what appears to be little holes in the tint.

If you ever experience scratches from the tint being rolled up and down, this is a sign of your window sweep having dirt or tiny rocks in it, which in turn brush against the film and create scratches until they’re removed. Most tint shops can help alleviate that problem, and mechanics as well.

We hope you’ve learned some tips on how to keep your fresh tint looking great, if you found value in this post please consider signing up for our newsletter to keep up to date with promotions, news, and giveaways!


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